This piece by Armleder is part of his ongoing series of so-called “Pour Paintings”, which can extend to over a dozen meters in length. They are created from whole containers of acrylic, lacquer and spray paint and executed from a mobile scaffold, enabling the artist to replay the allover action painting of a Jackson Pollock or Morris Louis but without getting splattered.


2008 Contemporary Art Museum St. Louis, USA;

2011 JOHN M ARMLEDER late, Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Vienna, AT;

2014 EINE ART SALON_curated by_ Marion Piffer- Damiani, Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Vienna, AT;

2016 The good, the bad and the ugly Part 3. A Painting Show 3, Kurator Andreas Reiter Raabe, Vienna, AT;

2016 I TELL YOU WHAT 7 Bilder, Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus Thoman, Vienna, AT;

2017 Abstact Painting Now! Kunsthalle Krems, Krems, AT;
