Sandbichler opens his exhibition at Galerie Elisabeth & Klaus
Thoman Vienna with a spatial intervention, an in situ work that
sculpturally accentuates the foyer of the gallery premises, disguises
and transforms it into an art object. Made up of carton, the
installation bears reference to a specific methodology and central theme
characterising the artist‘s oeuvre: Peter Sandbichler explores the
relationship between plane and space, and in a masterly manner,
employing various media, intertwines two- with three-dimensionality,
thus bringing forth optical illusions, playing with light and shadow.
His conceptual approach to visual arts with a political conscience is
anchored in modernism. Frequently, the artist avails himself of modular
systems that generate content out of structure, formal definitions, and
experiments with materials.
In his exhibition at Galerie Thoman, Peter Sandbichler, who was born in Tyrol, but now lives in Vienna, presents all new works that, like a Tensegrity and an installation made of polygons, blend in with the existing work catalogue, while also extending it. In a wholly unpretentious way, the show leads to an aesthetic apotheosis, while remaining quite exemplary. Angela Stief